Source: TheKoreanSavage – YouTube
the *NEW* Best AR in Warzone ? Better than NZ-41 & STG44 (Fortune’s Keep Warzone)
Source: ShawnP YouTube
killed 6 cheaters in 60 seconds! INSANE PLAYS! 16 kills – Cod Blackout Solos
Source: MinerHoboJo YouTube
the MAC-10 AFTER SEASON 4 UPDATE is INSANE! ? (Fortune’s Keep Warzone)
Source: TheKoreanSavage – YouTube
blackout ,, 2100+ solo wins ,, friday’Soloz!
Source: MinerHoboJo YouTube
blackout ,, 2100+ solo wins ,, frida’Soloz!
Source: MinerHoboJo YouTube
*BROKEN ATTACHMENT* The Flash MOVEMENT in Warzone ? (Fortune’s Keep)
Source: ShawnP YouTube
the FFAR META IS BACK IN SEASON 4! (Fortune’s Keep Warzone)
Source: TheKoreanSavage – YouTube
*NEW* UGM-8 on Fortune’s Keep Warzone! Next LMG Meta? (Best Warzone UGM-8 Class)
Source: ShawnP YouTube
the MARCO 5 is REPLACING EVERY SMG in Warzone! *Best Marco 5 Class* (Fortune’s Keep)
Source: ShawnP YouTube